sebenernya berita ini rada semi semi gosip sih gan, akan tetapi ada beberapa source yang bikin ane sedikit yakin hehehe
source pertama :
Second Wave of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 600 Products Due For Maykurang lebih translate-annya, tuh produsen chipset ijo berencana menelurkan dua VGA lagi, yaitu GeForce GTX 670 Ti dan GTX 670 untuk menandingi AMD Radeon HD 7950 dan Radeon HD 7870 dengan kisaran harga antara $400-499 untuk GTX 670 Ti dan $300-399 untuk GTX 670.
NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 680 literally kicked the door open as it made its entry. We're learning of NVIDIA's plans to milk the GK104 chip by carving out two more SKUs: the GeForce GTX 670 Ti, and GTX 670. These two SKUs will let NVIDIA capture price points deep within the $400-499 and $300-399 ranges, to compete with AMD's Radeon HD 7950 and Radeon HD 7870. These two SKUs will be released in May. Around the May-June time-range, NVIDIA could also introduce the GTX 690, which we're hearing is a dual-GK104 graphics card that's designed to compete with Radeon HD 7990, which launches in April.
Also in May, NVIDIA will launch desktop discrete graphics card SKUs based on the GK107 chip, which makes up its GeForce GT 650M/640M mobile graphics SKUs. Following this, some time in Summer, NVIDIA will release a new chip, the GK106, which will make up the GeForce GTX 660, which will be out to compete with Radeon HD 7850, and HD 7700 series. It looks like NVIDIA is waiting on current inventories of GF114-based SKUs to get digested, including those of the recently-launched GeForce GTX 560 SE, and is hence in no hurry to launch a new GPU to capture the sub-$250 price-points. Besides the dual-GPU Radeon HD 7990, there's nothing new in the works, at the red camp that we know of.
breaking news yang ini tentu saja ga akan banyak mempengaruhi calon pembeli GTX 680 (kaya ane) karena dari angkanya aja keliatan kalo GTX 680 lebih banyak 10 biji he
tapi kalo dibaca ampe akhir, NVIDIA juga berencana menelurkan (kaya burung ya gan) GTX 690, yang intinya dual chip graphic card (kaya Asus Mars 2 yang merupakan dual GTX 580) antara Mei sampe Juni untuk menandingi Radeon HD 7990, bisa dibayangin berapa duit tuh hoho..
apakah berita ini valid?
konon (serasa pelem barryprima), evga di facebooknya memberikan spoiler produk baru NVIDIA
source kedua :
ane excited neh gan, mahal si emang hehe, lagian ni berita cuman menarik buat yang mau bersabar, dan mau berharap kalo produk baru ini bakal nurunin harga GTX GTX lainnya hehe
demikian sekilas info, semoga bermanfaat dan ga dopost (oops, ane barusan cek dan agan Au.79 udah ngasi sedikit bocoran he, gapapa, yang penting ga double thread)
be kind rewind ye gan....
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